In the ordinary period of our lives we have to remember about the main source and the author of our existence and look more closely on Jesus Christ as our Super Star. We really worship him in the Mass, we praise Him in every our prayer and we see Him doing the marvelous things when we practice the commandment of love in our daily lives. Jesus astonishes us when we will hear Him, because He has the authority and the power above everything – because He is God. He is changing our lives for good when we give Him our own permission to do that.

The Eucharist is the time when we hear the Gospel of Jesus and we participate in the biggest miracle on the world – changing the bread in the body of Christ, and changing the wine in his blood, and after this we go on to our own homes, jobs and rest areas to proclaim the Good News with the authority of the divine teacher.

Holy Masses

January 29, 2012 – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:00 AM for +Daniel Calvin Funk from Denice Funk

February 5, 2012 – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:00 AM for ++Piwinski Family from Frank Piwinski

February 12, 2012 – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:00 AM for +Frank Wiatrowski from Theresa Wiatrowski


¨      My Warmly Thank You to all of the people who remember of me and my family by the presents and the donations. Be sure that you are in my prayers before the Alter.

¨      Really thank you to everyone who was involved in the Christmas Caroling through Fells Point (Also thank you for the cookies.) and in Christmas Luncheon.

¨      After Epiphany Feast will be the Pastoral Visit – Kolęda and blessing of the home.

Welcome Our Visitors

– We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.


What are some of my evil spots that Jesus needs to heal with his words and deeds?