27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

101_mustard_600_ic11Today we celebrate the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Ordinary Time is for us some times the extraordinary, because we can realize our real sense of faith.

Today’s Gospel gives us the example of the smallest seed on the world which is the mustard seed, to compare to our faith and it says that is enough for our faith to make the things which are known as a miracle. From the other side we need for ourselves the deeds which are the double check for our faith. And the good service for our neighbors as a servant will be the best realization of our faith in practice.

The Eucharist is the one big proof which we are making in our private lives to double check that we believe in God and His Kingdom. We come at the Mass and from the human looking we come for nothing. We hear some words and we see the action which priest is making and what for? But this is the miracle of our faith that after this service we are becoming better Christians, better fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friends etc. By this we worship God and we give Him our heartfelt praise.


Holy Masses

October 6, 2013 – 27th Sunday Ordinary Sunday

10:00 AM for + Jo Ann Brukiewa (mother of Melody) from Theresa Repede

October 13, 2013 – 28th Ordinary Sunday

10:00 AM – for all parishioners, living or dead



¨       My warmly Thank you to all people (Theresa, Mary, Don, Christine, Byron, Denice, Tom, John, Dawn, Maddie, Chris, Ewa, Anna, Agnieszka, Patryk) who helped us yesterday on the Flea Market and around. We did great job. I think that God helps all people who are praying, working etc. for His Holy Church.

¨       The Polish Dinner is coming. Nov 17 is the date for it. Please make some first note to your relatives, friends and neighbors. We need this year better publicity about it.

¨      As the members of our Church we are responsible for our past and future and we will pray and look for new active members of our Community of Holy Cross Church in Baltimore, MD.

¨      Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.

¨      On Saturday Oct 26, 2013 at 12:00 PM the Seniorate Meeting will held in Lawrenceville, NJ.

¨      Allow your heavenly Father to make His presence known to you. If you are a stranger to Him you need not be for He is your Father and He loves you so much.


Welcome Our Visitors

We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.

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