Today we celebrate the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today’s Gospel is little different in it sound. We are surprised when Jesus tells us that he came to bring division and not peace. This does not mean that Jesus wants us to fight each other. Rather, if we try to live God’s love, we will be rejected, often by those who are closest to us, sometime by our family members.
The Eucharist which we now celebrate is the time when we give the praise to God the Father by his Son Jesus Christ. We do that by the very special way, which is so surprising to the other people; we do that by his death and resurrection – which exactly Eucharist means. Let us praise our God with whole our heart in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Holy Masses
August 18, 2019 – 20th Ordinary Sunday
10:00 AM – for all parishioners living or dead.
August 25, 2019 – 21st Ordinary Sunday
10:00 AM – for all parishioners living or dead.
- August, 20 – 22, 2019 Father will attend the Central Diocese Clergy Conference and Retreat in Mount Pocono PA.
- Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.
- Please check the Blog of our web site: www.holycrosspncc.org
- Follow us on Facebook and Like us there
- As the members of our Church we are responsible for our future and we will pray and look for new active members of our Community of Holy Cross in Baltimore, MD.
- MY MISSION: When I am the disciple of Christ and the member of his Church I realize this and participate in all matters which concern Him. The Easter Liturgy is not my challenge it is my privilege.
- We now start organized the Flea Market before our Church –first and second Saturday of September. If you have some things for it please bring them to the Church. Really thank you for it. Every one is welcomed for the work and the help for this reason.
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