Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the first Sunday of the Ordinary Time. The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River is the example of the baptism of every Christian. In this feast we see our own Baptism and we look for the correct explanation of it. Sometimes we recognize our baptism as a membership in the Church. Sometimes we regard it as a very important step of our own life. In every quest we have to come back for the truth of the Baptism. That it is the Baptism in the Christ – we have to live as Jesus lived. That it starts our spiritual life, that it is the first step in our sacramental life. We have to remember the main importance of Baptism, that in it we are saved from sins and Satan. When we live in the grace of the Baptism – that means without sin – we can be happy in our earthly and spiritual lives.
The Eucharist is the manifestation of our own baptism individually and collectively. We meet with Jesus who renovated us by our baptism and we meet with the community of other Christians. After this meeting we start our outside manifestations for non-Christians and the Christians who are non-active; and that is our duty to evangelize the world.

Holy Masses
January 12, 2020 – The Baptism of the Lord
HC 10:00 AM for +Pricilla Rachuba from Diane Richardson
January 19, 2020 – 2nd Sunday in OT
HC 10:00 AM for +Veronica Lang from Diane Richardson
Welcome Our Visitors
- Really thank you to everyone who was involved in the Christmas Caroling through Fells Point.
- After Epiphany Feast will be the Pastoral Visit – Kolęda and blessing of the homes.
- Please check the Blog of our web site: www.holycrosspncc.org
- Follow us on Facebook and Like us there
- Really thank you to everyone who was involved in the Christmas Caroling through Fells Point.
- Evangelization is in no small part about accessibility. Make your parish accessible; make the extra effort. Like the young Samuel, let your first priority be a basic one: Open the temple doors.
- My Warmly Thank You to all of the people who remember of me and my family by the presents and the donations. Be sure that you are in my prayers before the Alter.
- Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.
1 Reflect on God’s will for you throughout your life.
2 Recall an incident in your life when you felt deeply God’s love for you.
One Main Point
Jesus is revealed by His Father to be the Son who
alone knows God’s will. He is the “servant,” “beloved,”
“chosen one” with whom God was “well pleased.”