Today we celebrate the 4th Sunday of Easter – the Shepherd Sunday.
Jesus in today’s Gospel reveals us that He is the Leader of all disciples – all Christians. He is the Sheep Gate who offers us the big protection and sanctity of our lives. Today is the day when we pray for all people in the Church who imitate Christ in the service of leading. We pray first of all for all clergy: the bishops, priests and deacons and for lay people who are leading the parishes in every level of the Parish Committee. The prayer is the big help for that persons, therefore we do this especially on this Sunday.
The Eucharist is the big prayer and the big offering where the mediator between us and God is the high advocate, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. We have the good connection with God but we have to make use of this prayer in that intention.
Holy Masses
May 3, 2020 – 4th Easter Sunday
10:00 AM for +Chester Figiel from John Figiel
May 10, 2020 – 5th Easter Sunday – Mother’s Day
10:00 AM for all Mothers, living and dead especially for:
- The Mother’s Day is coming (May 10, 2020) if you would like to mention your Mother’s Name in the intention of the Holy Mass please fill out the envelope for Mother’s Day in vestibule of the Church.
- Many Thanks to all people who decorated the Church and donate the fresh flowers for it.
- Many Thanks to all people who helped with Easter Polish Food Sale God bless you all.
- As the members of our Church we are responsible for our future and we will pray and look for new active members of our Community of Holy Cross in Baltimore, MD.
- Please check the Blog of our web site: www.holycrosspncc.org
- Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.
- MY MISSION: When I am the disciple of Christ and the member of his Church I realize this and participate in all matters which concern Him. The Holy Week Liturgy is not my challenge it is my privilege.
- Jesus complained to me in these words: Distrust on the part of souls is tearing at My insides. The distrust of a chosen soul causes Me even greater pain; despite My inexhaustible love for them they do not trust Me. Even My death is not enough for them Woe to the soul that abuses these gifts. (See Diary #50).
Welcome Our Visitors
We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.