Today we celebrate the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time and also we will have tomorrow the Labor Day. In our daily lives we have to deal with good and bad people, this relationship we call love. The good people are OK for us, but bad are so angry on us and we can’t accept them.
In today’s Gospel Jesus gives us the simply procedure of love in three stages how to deal with people who sins against us.
Today Jesus says to us that we have to make the communion, the fellowship of love/ because – for where two or three are gathered together in the name of Jesus there He is in the midst of them and when we request of one thing and everybody agree with that it will be granted by our Father. The Eucharist is a real communion with God and with other people by our Big Brother Jesus Christ.

Holy Masses
September 06, 2020 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 AM for God’s blessing upon Patrick and Margaret Feehley
September 13, 2020 – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 AM for + Marian Bondyra
- The Polish Food Fest is coming. Oct. 03, 2020 is the date for it. Please make some first notes to your relatives, friends and neighbors. Make appointment by Facebook Page..
- As the members of our Church we are responsible for our future and we will pray and look for new active members of our Community of Holy Cross in Baltimore, MD.
- Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.
- MY MISSION: When I am the disciple of Christ and the member of his Church I realize this and participate in all matters which concern Him. The Sunday’s Masses are not my challenge but my privilege and my eternal hope.
- Today, from early morning, Divine absorption penetrates my soul. During Mass, I thought I would see the little Jesus, as I often do however, today during Holy Mass I saw the crucified Jesus. Jesus was nailed to the cross and was in great agony. His suffering pierced me, soul and body, in a manner which was invisible, but nevertheless most painful. (See Diary #913).
Shackville M. Matadi & Jamie Lee Drown are going to be married on Monday September 7, 2020
Welcome Our Visitors
We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.