Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. This is the Solemnity when God reveals His deity to us and to the whole World.

We see this incredible scene in the picture of three wise men – Magi or Kings who were seek God and they found him in the small baby in the manger in Bethlehem.

This behavior of that three wise men which in the polish tradition we call them Kacper, Melchior and Baltasar is very close to every person who wants to find Jesus Christ in his or her own life.

Therefore in the polish tradition we mark the door of our home with their names to remember that every step is for the finding our Lord Jesus Christ on the way through our own lives.

The Eucharist which we now celebrate is like the bus stop on our way to heaven where we see our goal – Jesus Christ and after Holy Mass we try to bring him into effect by the commandment of the love to each of our neighbors.

“They prostrated themselves and did him homage.”

Holy Masses

January 03, 2021 – Epiphany of the Lord

HC 10:00 AM for our donors, sponsors and friends of Holy Cross

January 10, 2021 – The Baptism of the Lord

10:00 AM for ++Leo & Cecilia Szymkowiak from Susan Davenport


  • Thank you for all your donations on Christmas. God bless you.
  • Thank you for your engagement in The Holiday Food Sale. God always blesses the people who work for Him, especially: Ewa, Theresa, Denice, Maddie, Henry, Anna, Agnieszka, Patryk.
  • My warmly thank you to all people who helped to decorate the Church. God bless you, the Church is ready for Christmas.
  • As the members of our Church we are responsible for our past and future and we will pray and look for new active members of our Community of Holy Cross Church in Baltimore, MD.
  • After Epiphany Feast will be the Pastoral Visit – KolÄ™da and blessing of the homes. Let me know when will be good time for you.
  • What is the Catholic thing? What makes Catholicism, among all of the competing philosophies, ideologies, and religions of the world, distinctive? I stand with Blessed John Henry Newman who said that the great principle of Catholicism is the Incarnation, the enfleshment of God. (Robert Barron – Catholicism)
  • Please check the Blog of our web site:
  • Follow us on Facebook and Like us there
  • My Warmly Thank You to all of the people who remember of me and my family by the presents and the donations. Be sure that you are in my prayers before the Alter.

One main Point

The Magi from around the world search for Jesus and pay him homage, while Herod only pretends to do so. At the beginning of the Gospel, these Gentile Astrologers point to the conclusion of the Gospel, when the disciples pay Jesus homage, and Jesus told them to “make disciples of all the Gentiles.” (28:17-20)