Today we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Easter and This Sunday gives us the simple direction what we have to do as Disciples of Christ. We have to be the witnesses of the Christ’s life, death and resurrection.
First of all, we have to hear about the resurrection of Jesus from our parents, priests and friends. Secondly, we have to meet Jesus on our own way of life /as the two disciples encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus and go with this experience to the other disciples to share our faith. And after these steps we will meet Jesus, face to face at Holy Mass. The Eucharist is the simple and surly way to meet Jesus in our lives. Here and now, we hear the Word, we break the bread and wine, we share our faith with the others, and we touch the real Jesus in the Holy Communion. In this situation we need only to believe that these things are true and real for us. We have to believe, that these things concern us and only us in particular.

“Their eyes were opened and they recognized him.”
Holy Masses
April 23, 2023 – 3rd Easter Sunday
10:00 AM for ++ Adam Koczaja (Apr. 4, 2012) & Helen Koczaja (Apr. 28, 2014) from John Figiel
April 30, 2023 – 4th Easter Sunday
10:00 AM for +Walter “Ron” Birdick from Timothy Ratajczak
- Many Thanks to all people who helped with Easter Polish Food Sale on Palm Sunday weekend. We were blessed with a lot of people and with good sale. God bless you all.
- The Mother’s Day is coming (May 14, 2023) if you would like to mention your Mother’s Name in the intention of the Mass on that day please fill out the envelope for Mothers’s Day offering in vestibule of the Church.
- As the members of our Church we are responsible for our future and we will pray and look for new active members of our Community of Holy Cross in Baltimore, MD.
- Please check the Blog of our web site: www.holycrosspncc.org
Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.
- Like us on Facebook and give hint of it to your relative and friends. Share the Good News about our Church.
- The 23rd Annual Katyn Remembrance – Sunday Apr. 30, 2023 at 1:00PM – Ceremonies at the National Katyn Memorial – Baltimore Inner Harbor East 600 block of President St. (at Aliceanna St.).
- Thank you to all donors and sponsors for support of our Church. – God bless you.
- MY MISSION: When I am the disciple of Christ and the member of his Church I realize this and participate in all matters which concern Him. The Holy Week Liturgy is not my challenge it is my privilege.
Welcome Our Visitors
We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.
When I participate in the activities of the Church, do I enter through Jesus and act out of love, or do I steal for my own pride, causing conflicts and hatred?