“Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

May 26, 2024 – Trinity Sunday

10:00 AM for healing of Al Lewandowski from Genevieve Macek

June 02, 2024 –  Corpus Christi Sunday

10:00 AM for +Caroline Krysiak from Timothy Ratajczak

June 09, 2024 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:00 AM – for healing of Al Lewandowski from Michelle Lewandowski and Family

  • The Father’s Day is coming (June 16, 2024) if you would like to mention your Father’s Name in the intention of the Mass please fill out the envelope for Mass intention in vestibule of the Church.
  • Many Thanks to all people who pray and donate on Mother’s Day.
  • Many Thanks to all people who helped with Easter Polish Food Sale on Palm Sunday weekend. We were blessed with a lot of people and with good sale. God bless you all.
  • During Easter Time we are in the climax of the Liturgical Year. We are escaping from the worldly death to the life eternal – Jesus Christ is our Guide trough that, as He said: You have to take your cross and follow me.
  • As the members of our Church we are responsible for our future and we will pray and look for new active members of our Community of Holy Cross in Baltimore, MD.
  • Please check the Blog of our web site:
  • Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.

Like us on Facebook and give hint of it to your relative and friends. Share the Good News about our Church.

– We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.

In baptism, the new people of God is born again into the mysterious life provided by the trinity of the Creator, the Savior and the Sanctifier. The condition to remain in this new life is to teach and to observe Jesus’ commandment, the commandment of love.

  1. This is the way God loves: the Father loved us so much as to give us his Only Begotten Son; through love, the Son gave up his life for our sake; and the Holy Spirit brings into us the same love with which God loves us. As the risen Jesus’ disciples how do you exercise this love, especially to the least of His people, in your daily life?
  2. Certainly we do not have any doubt about the risen Jesus; but is there any hesitation, frustration while you are teaching and observing Jesus’ commandments?
  3. Gone is the race and gender superiority among the children of God. Do you, while sharing Jesus’ discipleship, exclude others (individuals, family, group, community …) from your spiritual territory? Do you recall a time when you felt so proud of yourself that someone else was made to suffer because of his or her class?
  4. How strong is our inner enthusiasm to reach out to present Jesus to someone, to lead someone to baptism?
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