28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME; Christian Family Feast

“Sell what you have, and give to the poor… then come, follow me.”

Oct 13, 2024 – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:00 AM – for +Thimothy Sakowski from Timothy Ratajczak.

Oct 20, 2024 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:00 AM – for +Theresa Wiatrowski from Funeral

– We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.

  • Today! The Polish Heritage is having its annual Pulaski Day commemoration at the monument in Patterson Park at 2 pm on Sunday October 13. There will be a reception at Polish Home to follow.
  • The Diocesan Synod of Central Diocese PNCC was yesterday in Zoom.  Thank you for participation and prayer in that intention.
  • Anyone, who is wishing to submit the names of the departed of your family or friends (All Souls Day Remembrance – “WYPOMINKI”) and to be read and pray for at our All Souls  Services (All Souls day and on 2nd and 4th Sunday of November), there are ask to return the envelope with the names which will be send to your homes.The Procession at our Holy Cross Cemetery at 7110 German Hill Road, Baltimore, MD, on Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 12:00PM. We pray for The Commemoration Of All The Faithful Departed (All Souls Day)
  • Please check the Blog of our web site: www.holycrosspncc.org
  • Do you have anyone of any reason (for example: someone in Hospital) or life event you would like to pray for – Please ask and see Fr. Andrew.
  • Like us on Facebook and give hint of it to your relative and friends. Share the Good News about our Church.
  • “The most important thing that a human being can do is pray, because we’ve been made for God and our hearts are restless until we rest with Him.” (Mother Teresa – A simple path.)

“Good Master, what must I do to receive eternal life?” “Come and follow me…” It may be difficult for men, but “…all things are possible with God.”

  1. I examine my current life: my wealth (be it rich or poor), my health (be it well or sick), my behaviors. Which helps me be closer to God? Which keeps me away from Him?
  2. Jesus’ teachings are demanding and challenging. I ask that He look upon me with love, so that I can trust Him like a child upon his parent, to trust that “all things are possible with God.”

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