Today we celebrate the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. OT is our time in the whole history of the Church. At the beginning of Ordinary Time, we have the first sign from the public life of our Savior – the miracle at Marriage Feast at Cana.
The Lord himself told us that whatever we ask for in his name would be given to us. He always gives us much more than we ask for and much more than we deserve. At the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee the importance of the intercession of the Virgin Mary is highlighted.
The Eucharist is the one of the moments when we know for sure, that God is active in our lives. We have to come before God with our hearts open for him with love and invite him to our own life and ask him for the miracle of his presence in our daily lives.

““Jesus told them, ‘Fill the jars with water.’”
Holy Masses
January 19, 2025 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
HC 10:00 AM for +Bernard Dabrowski from Joyce Dabrowski
January 23, 2022 – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
HC 10:00 AM for ++Stanisław and Józefa Matysiak from Chris and Greg Filipowicz
- Thank you for your donation on Christmas. Thanks for the cookies for Carolers.
- Cordially Thank you for your help to prepare the Christmas Food Sale and on the event itself. God bless you.
- After Epiphany Feast will be the Pastoral Visit – Kolęda and blessing of the homes.
- You could say: Lord, I’m sorry for having offended you and I promise you I will try not to offend you again. Something like this. It feels good to be free of burdens, to have a clean heart. (Mother Teresa – A Simple Path)
- My Warmly Thank You to all of the people who remember of me and my family by the presents and the donations. Be sure that you are in my prayers before the Alter.
One Main Point
The changing of Old Testament water into messianic wine signifies the passing of the old into the new. The messianic era has arrived.
- You are there when Mary goes to Jesus for help. What does this tell you about her character? What do you learn from her?
- Do you think Jesus is upset with His mother? Do you think you understand Him?
- Is there a time in your life when the “wine” ran out? How has Jesus replenished it for you?
Welcome Our Visitors
We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.