Today we celebrate the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time and Pre-Lent sexagesima Sunday.
Ordinary Time is the period of the Liturgical Year when we consider the main important matters of our faith. Today the most important thing in our faith life is to be a good friend, or maybe more to be the good brother or sister of all people. On the other hand, we see many conflicts in the world (Ukraine war and Israel conflict). We see how many people perish by hatred. And we have the question, what we can do for that reason?
In today’s gospel we see that “enemies” for Jesus means those who hate the disciples, not those whom the disciples hate – this is not an option. We, as the Disciples of Christ should not have enemies at all. But if by enemies we mean those who hate us, then we cannot help having enemies. We cannot control how others treat us; we can only control our own attitude toward them.
The Eucharist is the special place where we learn how to love our enemies. Here and now, we get the example of Jesus who teaches us in the Liturgy of the Word and helps us by the Holy Communion in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We have only to accept that rule for our lives and make them alive.

“Stop judging and you will not be judged.”
Holy Masses
February 23, 2025 – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
HC 10:00 AM for +Edwin Swieczkowski from Audrey Swieczkowski
March 2, 2025 – 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
HC 10:00 AM for ++John Kraus, Stella Nemkovich, Andy Zenko, Mike Nemkovich, Loretta Nemkovich, Sr. Noella Dailey from Natalie Wisniewski
Welcome Our Visitors
We welcome all our visitors who are present with us for worship this Sunday! Please introduce yourself to the Pastor after Mass. Please write your names in the guest book located in the vestibule of the church. Please remember that you are always welcome to join us in worship at Holy Cross Church.
- Ash Wednesday Mass will be on Wed. Mar 5, 2025 at 7:00PM. We will start by that the Lent Season.
- The annual meeting of the members of Holy Cross parish will be conducted Sunday, February 23, 2025, right after 10:00AM Mass.
The business of an annual meeting of the Parish shall be to receive reports of the Parish Committee, Committees and Pastor; regulate and confirm the salary of the Pastor and the salaries and wages of its employees, elect Parish Committee members and members of the Parish Tribunal (which election may be conducted prior to the annual meeting); adopt resolutions and make enactments necessary for the welfare and development of the Parish. No resolution or enactment shall be adopted or made which shall be in conflict with the Constitution and Laws of this Church.
(The Constitution and Laws of the Polish National Catholic Church Art. VII D. The Parish Meeting SECTION 2.)
- You can also pray for the work of others and help them. For example, in our community there are “second self” helpers who offer their prayers for a sister who needs the strength to carry on her active work. And we also have the contemplative sister and brothers, who pray for us all the time..(Mother Teresa – A Simple Path)
If I seek fellowship with the Father, I will find Him in His word.
(Andrew Murray – Treasures of Wisdom)